Editorial Essay: COVID-19 and Protected and Conserved Areas

This special editorial provides a snapshot of how protected and conserved areas around the world are being impacted by COVID-19. The editorial provides commentary on how effectively and equitably managed systems of protected and conserved areas can be part of a response to the pandemic that both lessens the chance of a recurrence of similar […]

Blue Ventures Toolkits

This toolkit, developed by Blue Ventures, provides practical guidance in setting up and maintaining Locally Managed Marine Areas.

Program on African Protected Areas & Conservation

This PAPACO course teaches about the sustainable use of natural resources and conservation as it relates to tourism in protected areas in Africa, introducing commonly-used methods to sustainably manage protected areas and their resources by considering the benefits and costs of resource use.

Destinations at Risk: The Invisible Burden of Tourism

This Travel Foundation report describes how destinations must uncover and account for tourism’s hidden costs, referred to as the “invisible burden”, to protect and manage vital destination assets worldwide, and gives insights into types of data-driven systems that can address growth issues and facilitate new forms of investment.

Supporting Jobs and Economies Through Travel & Tourism

These UNWTO report recommendations aim to support governments, the private sector and the international community in navigating the COVID-19 emergency. The recommendations are divided into three key areas: managing the crisis and mitigating the impact, providing stimulus and accelerating recovery, and preparing for the future.