Visitor Capacity Guidebook: Managing the Amounts and Types of Visitor Use to Achieve Desired Conditions

This visitor capacity guidebook, in combination with the “Visitor Use Management Framework,” provides managers with processes to collaboratively develop long-term strategies to manage the amounts and types of visitor use to protect resources, improve access, connect visitors to key experiences, and achieve desired conditions. The purpose of this guidebook is to provide cohesive guidance on […]

Are Municipalities Ready for Integrating Blue Carbon Concepts?: Content Analysis of Coastal Management Plans in the Philippines

The primary goal of this study is to investigate the present coastal management plans for blue carbon ecosystem management strategies using content analysis of the local plans of select municipalities in the Philippines. The analysis generated eight (8) clusters based on keywords focusing on mangrove and seagrass ecosystems, namely: ecological profile, ecosystem services, carbon sequestration, tourism, […]

Impacts to Wildlife: Managing Visitors and Resources to Protect Wildlife

This Interagency Visitor Use Management Council paper reviews the management of recreation impacts to wildlife, including discussions of influential factors, impact indicators, and the range of management responses. This information is provided to assist recreation and land managers in avoiding or minimizing visitor impact to wildlife.

Managing Cultural World Heritage

This UNESCO World Heritage manual is intended as a tool for capacity-building for the effective management of heritage, and for World Heritage properties in particular. It is designed to equip people involved in heritage conservation and management, and empower policy makers through improved institutional structures.

Coral Reefs: Tourism, Conservation and Management

This Routledge book adopts a multidisciplinary approach to review issues surrounding coral reef tourism management. It incorporates coral reef science, management, conservation and tourism perspectives and takes a global perspective of coral reef tourism issues covering many of the world’s most significant coral reef destinations.

Multi-Hazard Risk Management Guide for the Caribbean Tourism Sector

This Multi-Hazard Risk Management Guide for the Caribbean Tourism Sector was designed as a practical tool, addressing all phases of the Disaster Management cycle with a comprehensive and well-articulated treatment of the range of natural and other hazards, which can affect the Caribbean tourism industry. The Guide incorporates climate and disaster risk mitigation and adaptation […]

USAID Program for the Management of Aquatic Resources and Economic Alternatives

These aquatic resource management toolkits are designed with a “train the trainers” approach in mind. The audience for these toolkits are the individuals and organizations providing the technical support to ensure those communities and entrepreneurs are successful. While these toolkits do not span the entire breadth of the complex tourism industry, they do provide insight […]