Toolkit with Recommended Actions for Creating a Sustainable Tourism Destination
This CREST toolkit summarizes the key issues to be considered, identifies actions to prioritize for action planning, and provides examples to inspire small communities to become more sustainable visitor destinations. The toolkit is designed for local community workers in cooperation with tourism organizations, and policy makers.
Overtourism: Seeking Solutions
This GW IITS and CREST webinar series offers different presentations focusing on the issue and solutions for over tourism in coastal communities, World Heritage sites, national parks, protected areas, and historic cities. This resource is useful for public sector, private sector, and civil society stakeholders.
Disaster Management Resources
This CTO compendium includes tourism disaster and crisis management resources for the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean regions.
Sustainable Tourism Course for Small Island Policy-Makers
This Sustainable Tourism International resource has developed a sustainable tourism course specifically geared towards policy-makers and destination managers in SIDS.
Estimating Future Recreation Demand: A Decision Guide for the Practitioner
This U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation question-based demand guide tool helps practitioners assess recreation demand in their routine administration and planning processes and to help decision makers make better and more defensible decisions.
Creating More Meaningful Visitor Experiences: Planning for Interpretation and Education
This U.S. Department of the Interior report outlines a handbook to help staff in reclamation and managing partners complete an appropriate yet expedient planning process for developing interpretation and education products and services.
Compendium of Best practices and Recommendations for Ecotourism in Asia and the Pacific
This UNWTO compendium for public, private, and civil tourism stakeholders, provides specific case studies demonstrating ecotourism in practice and illustrates how tourism operators are aiming to meet the principles of sustainable tourism in Asia and the Pacific
Challenges and Opportunities for Tourism Development in Small Island Developing States
This UNWTO report gives an overview of tourism in SIDS and provides policy orientations, guidelines and other tools to the various tourism stakeholders in SIDS on how to address tourism challenges.
Integration of Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns into Tourism Policies
This UNWTO report is the first global assessment of sustainable consumption and production policy instruments in national tourism and aims to inspire stakeholders and encourage them to advance the implementation of the SDGs through sustainable tourism.
Destination Wetlands: Supporting Sustainable Tourism
This research paper highlights fourteen wetland case studies to illustrate effective approaches in managing tourism for the wetland sector and is designed for wetland management authorities.