IDB Sustainability Scorecard for Private Sector Tourism Projects

This self-evaluation “Scorecard” is intended to guide a proposed tourism project representative to understand the foundational funding needs of their project from design, construction, and operation of the tourism project. This can be a useful tool for project managers to understand their project’s funding needs and opportunities for improvement.

The Science of Changing Behaviour for Environmental Outcomes

This report provides a comprehensive literature review of the science of changing behavior for environmental outcomes. This information is useful for destination managers working in coastal or SIDS destinations looking to create human behavior changes to improve environmental outcomes.

The Future of Food from the Sea

This WRI report confirms the importance of ocean food production systems in global future food and nutritional security. This report encourages responsive actions from governments, financial institutions, and businesses through smarter management of wild fisheries and the sustainable development of marine aquaculture (mariculture) while restoring the health of ocean ecosystems.