Cruise Tourism in Belize: Perceptions of Economic, Social & Environmental Impact

This study examines the terrestrial impacts – economic, social and environmental – of cruise tourism as they are viewed in Belize. It is based on field research, carried out in 2005 using academic protocols, involving over 600 surveys with cruise passengers and over 100 interviews with a range of stakeholders in Belize.


CO-EVOLVE analyzed and promoted the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems in touristic coastal areas in the Mediterranean, allowing for the sustainable development of touristic activities, based on the principles of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Maritime Spatial Planning. The aim was to demonstrate through pilot actions the feasibility and effectiveness of an ICZM/MSP-based planning process.


HERIT-DATA promotes the use of smart and open data to better manage tourism flows in natural and cultural heritage sites. The project aims to identify innovative solutions, with the support of new technologies and big data, to reduce the negative impacts of tourism on cultural and natural heritage sites. HERIT-DATA has defined a set of indicators […]

Low Carbon and Resource Efficient Action Plan for Accommodation in Saint Lucia

This UNEP action plan is for policy makers, destination planners and managers, and private sector industry stakeholders. It explains how to make the accommodation value chain more sustainable in Saint Lucia, reducing the negative impacts of tourism, such as marine pollution and environmental degradation, and its high demands on natural resources.

Ripple Score

This GAdventures tool provides information on the Ripple Score, a tool used for tour operators and destination managers to calculate and evaluate economic leakages from tour operator led trips.