Mediterranean Experience of Ecotourism Manual: A guide to discover the MEET approach

This presentation explains The Mediterranean Experience of Ecotourism (MEET) group that acts as a Destination Management Organization and includes a target-oriented network of people and organizations managing ecotourism products built around the natural and cultural attractions of protected areas and local communities. Featured countries include: Italy, France, Spain, Jordan, Lebanon, ROWA, Malta, Cyprus, Greece and […]

Congestion Management Support

This National Parks Service toolkit provides a list of solutions and tools that can be applied to address specific traffic congestion problems and issues in national park settings and uses a step-by-step process to solve congestion, based on adaptive management.

A Toolkit for Monitoring and Managing Community-Based Tourism

This SNV and University of Hawaii toolkit, recommended for anyone involved in the funding, planning or managing of a community-based tourism project, is designed to provide readers with the know-how to set up and run a monitoring programme for a community-based tourism project via step-by-step guidelines, supported by a wide range of case studies, in […]

Sustainable Ocean Principles

These UNGC Sustainable Ocean Principles provide a framework for responsible business practices across sectors and geographies focusing on ocean health and productivity, governance and engagement, and data and transparency.

The Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles

The Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles are the foundational keystone to invest in the ocean economy. Launched in 2018, they are the world’s first global guiding framework for banks, insurers and investors to finance a sustainable blue economy. They promote the implementation of SDG 14 (Life Below Water), and set out ocean-specific standards, allowing the […]

Maritime Culture Empowerment under Indonesian Ocean Policy

This paper presents information on the Indonesian Ocean Policy and the development of maritime culture empowerment as the policy’s action plan, particularly for the 2020-2024 action plan. Maritime culture empowerment is carried out through 3 cultural development programs, namely Ocean and Culture Literacy, Culture Action or Activation, and Culture-based Innovation.