Wilderness Safaris: Ecotourism Entrepreneurship
Wilderness Safaris sees itself as a conservation company that is built on a business model of providing high-end, premium-priced wildlife safaris in various locations in Africa. Dependent on functioning, healthy ecosystems for its long-term survivability as a business, it invests heavily in conservation efforts, both directly, with communities and governments, and with partners and competitors. […]
Geoheritage Tool-Kit
The Geoheritage Tool-kit is a method, or series of steps, that has been developed to enable a geoheritage practitioner to systematically identify and categorise areas, geosites, or geological features of geoheritage significance at all scales (from mountain to microscale), to allocate them to a conceptual category of geoheritage and scale of reference, and to assess […]
Organization of American States’ COVID-19 Tourism Policy Responses
The Organization of American states has put together a list of actions and measures of member states to support the tourism sector in the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Organization of American States’ Guía Práctica de Respuestas Inclusivas y con Enfoque de Derechos ante el COVID-19 en las Américas
La Guía Práctica para Respuestas Inclusivas y Basadas en Derechos a la Pandemia del COVID-19 en las Américas presenta a los Estados Miembros con claridad y capacidad para liderar procesos, comprender los derechos de las personas en nuevos contextos y apoyar a los Estados para garantizarlos y respetarlos.
The BLUE ISLANDS project
The BLUEISLANDS project aims to identify, address and mitigate the effect of the seasonal variation of waste generated on Mediterranean islands as an effect of tourism.
Consume-Less aims to develop integrated sustainable energy, water and waste management strategies and to promote sustainable tourism models in Mediterranean cities. Six pilot areas are involved: Gozo, Vélez-Málaga, Saranda, Ragusa, Realmonte and Naxos.
DestiMED brings together 13 protected areas to collectively develop, manage and promote ecotourism in the Mediterranean Basin.
EMbleMatiC – Emblematic Mediterranean Mountains as Coastal destinations of excellence
The EMbleMatiC project aims to create and test a new form and offer of sustainable tourism, located in the hinterland coastal area, based on the identarian singularities of 9 mountains from the Emblematic Mediterranean Mountains (EMM) network. This includes: A study to characterize their “EMbleMatiC dimension” An eco-itinerary in each of the 9 territories An umbrella brand […]
HERIT-DATA promotes the use of smart and open data to better manage tourism flows in natural and cultural heritage sites. The project aims to identify innovative solutions, with the support of new technologies and big data, to reduce the negative impacts of tourism on cultural and natural heritage sites. HERIT-DATA has defined a set of indicators […]
MEDCYCLETOUR: MEDiterranean CYcle route for sustainable coastal TOURism
EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route is a long-distance cycle route that connects the whole Mediterranean from Cyprus to Cádiz. The overall objective of the project is to use this route as a tool to influence regional and national policies in favour of sustainable and responsible tourism, providing transnational solutions in coastal areas across the Mediterranean.