Marine Ecotourism: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
This book examines the wide range of natural, cultural, and man-made marine ecotourism resources, presentation on overview of the significance of the seas and oceans to sustainable coastal livelihoods with considerations to the impacts of climate change , fishing, and resource management.
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Tourism Development
This CBD report offers background on relevant and guiding UN frameworks, short summaries, updates and analysis on the most relevant global, regional and national initiatives and programmes, as well as information on the Sustainable Tourism Programme of the UN’s 10-Year Framework of Programmes on sustainable consumption And production patterns in the tourism industry.
Managing Tourism & Biodiversity: User’s Manual on the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development
This CBD manual presents a set of guidelines, tools and resources for sustainable tourism development planning, investments, and activities. This resource is useful for tourism industry researchers, practitioners and destination managers to achieve sustainable tourism goals through education and capacity building.
The UK Marine Monitoring & Evaluation Assessment Strategy and Online Assessment Tool
The UK Marine Strategy provides the framework for delivering marine policy at the national level and sets out how to achieve a sustainable ocean via a marine assessment tool.
Cruise Tourism Impacts in Costa Rica and Honduras: Policy Recommendations for Decision Makers
This report presents the results and recommendations of a cruise ship tourism study in Central America with emphasis on Honduras and Costa Rica. The report includes a variety of tools to help destinations address over tourism through strategic planning, good management, and impact monitoring.
Cruise Tourism in Belize: Perceptions of Economic, Social & Environmental Impact
This report presents data on the economic, social and environmental impacts of cruise tourism in Belize, assessing the rapid expansion between 2000 and 2005 and comparing these findings with the stayover tourism sector.
Planification Ostensible de Sitios Truistical Costeros: Indicadores de Flujos de Materiales y Territoriopara una herramienta de ayuda a la decisión
This paper proposes key sustainability indicators for sustainable planning in coastal tourism destinations.
Linking Communities, Tourism & Conservation: A Tourism Assessment Process
This Conservation International and George Washington University report provides a guide for field practitioners to perform a rapid assessment and analysis of tourism potential in a destination. It incorporates sustainability concepts that aim to optimize tourism development in an effort to protect natural and socio-cultural resources and improve the welfare of local people, while enhancing […]
Guidelines for tourism partnerships and concessions for protected areas: Generating sustainable revenues for conservation and development
This report presents guidelines that aim to assist protected area authorities in the development and use of tourism partnerships and concessioning to contribute financially and technically to protected areas through sustainable tourism. Case studies within the report include: South Africa, Brazil, Ontario, Mozambique, China, and the United States.
Best Practice Model for Low-Impact Nature-Based Sustainable Tourism Facilities in Remote Areas
This CRC report presents a design and assessment model to assist tourism operators to manage low-impact nature-based sustainable tourism facilities in remote areas. Derived by studies conducted in Australia and informed by indigenous groups, the report provides design guidelines for facility infrastructure, and a framework for environmentally sustainable technology for energy, water and waste management […]