Brand Africa – A Guidebook to Strengthen the Competitiveness of African Tourism

The present book offers guidance on possible strategies and actions that African countries can adopt and implement with a view to strengthening their destination brands and rebuild their tourism sectors stronger. Prepared in collaboration with Africa Tourism Partners, the guidebook collects valuable insights and expertise from African national tourism organizations as well as examples of […]


ShapeTourism improves the tourism knowledge framework, providing analysis and operational tools to shape and drive tourism sustainable growth, particularly for Cultural Destinations. The project supports policymakers and private operators to achieve: ATTRACTIVENESS, GROWTH, SUSTAINABILITY taking into account the major challenges of global competition. Starting from the capitalization of scientific studies and from tourism established patterns, the project aims to […]

Nature-Based Tourism Tools and Resources Collection

This e-book, is an up-to-date collection of nature-based tourism (NBT) tools and resources to support NBT practitioners. It is hosted by the Global Wildlife Program, financed by the Global Environment Facility and led by the World Bank. Users can search hundreds of resources, training materials, case studies and good practice examples in this online directory.

¿Todos a Galápagos?’ Overtourism in wilderness areas of the Global South.

This chapter approaches overtourism as a means to analyse the impacts and limits of late capitalistic tourism development in and around the wilderness protected areas of the Galápagos Islands. Qualitative content analysis points towards three emergent themes: (i) rapid diversification of the land-based tourism economy of the Galápagos; (ii) political ambivalence towards the governance of […]

The Future of Sustainable Air Travel

If you’ve flown on American Airlines recently, there’s a chance your plane was fueled by a small amount of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Jill Blickstein, Vice President of Sustainability at American Airlines, joins the show to talk about the latest advancements in SAF, how the carrier leverages renewables to power its operations and fleet upgrades the airline has […]

PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet

Through the National Marine Sanctuaries Visitor Counting Process (NMS-COUNT), marine protected area (MPA) resource managers gain valid and reliable data and methods to advance predictive capability and understanding of visitors. The NMS-COUNT process is an iterative framework that allows local management and stakeholders to add knowledge of visitor use at an NMS unit through each […]

National Marine Sanctuaries Visitor Counting Process

This paper focuses on the development of a systematic data collection effort that allows managers to better understand the visitors to marine resource areas managed by NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS). Through the National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Counting Process (NMS-COUNT), resource managers will gain valid and reliable data and data collection methodologies to […]

Life Cycle Assessment from Food to Food: A Case Study of Circular Economy from Cruise Ships to Aquaculture

Industrial symbiosis principles, reprised in industrial ecology definition, are recently embraced by circular economy concept as the basis for characterization of cradle-to-cradle approach, with particular interest on global markets with growing environmental issues such as food sector. This paper investigates a potential innovative pattern of recycling food waste from cruise ships for use as feed in aquaculture, in terms […]

Nature-Based Tourism Tools & Resources Collection

This e-book is an up-to-date collection of nature-based tourism (NBT) tools and resources to support NBT practitioners. It is hosted by the Global Wildlife Program’s Nature-Based Tourism Community of Practice at the World Bank. You can search by keywords or use the filters below to narrow your search.