UNESCO World Heritage Sustainable Tourism Toolkit

These UNESCO “how-to” guides present best practice approaches to sustainable economic development through tourism which offer direction and guidance to managers of World Heritage tourism destinations and other stakeholders to help identify the most suitable solutions for circumstances in their local environments and aid in developing general know-how for the management of each destination.

Visitor Use Management Framework VUM – Part 1

This collaborative IUCN, WCPA, TAPAS Group, and Ecotourism Genuino webinar presents a designed process for federal managers to collaboratively develop, implement, and monitor strategies and actions that enable sustainable access to lands and waters which can be incorporated into existing federal agency planning and decision-making processes. (Part 1)

Visitor Use Management Framework VUM – Part 2 

This collaborative IUCN, WCPA, TAPAS Group, and Ecotourism Genuino webinar presents a designed process for federal managers to collaboratively develop, implement, and monitor strategies and actions that enable sustainable access to lands and waters which can be incorporated into existing federal agency planning and decision-making processes. (Part 2)