Life Cycle Assessment from Food to Food: A Case Study of Circular Economy from Cruise Ships to Aquaculture

Industrial symbiosis principles, reprised in industrial ecology definition, are recently embraced by circular economy concept as the basis for characterization of cradle-to-cradle approach, with particular interest on global markets with growing environmental issues such as food sector. This paper investigates a potential innovative pattern of recycling food waste from cruise ships for use as feed in aquaculture, in terms […]

Tales of Informality: Tourism Development in Four Ecuadorian Beaches

“Informality” as a global economic category and normative standard to measure economic activity is rooted in western cultures, implemented through legal, fiscal frameworks and development doctrines. This work argues that the informal/formal economic binary masks economic diversity in tourism destinations in the Global South. A prism of non-compliance to tourism legislation as a barometer for […]

Coastal Development: Resilience, Restoration and Infrastructure Requirements

This USAID and OAS training resource for public and private sector planners, aims to reduce the long-term vulnerability of coastal infrastructure in the Caribbean region by expanding the capacity for appropriate design, construction and maintenance of coastal infrastructure works, through series of training courses.

Ocean Panel

The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy recognizes our collective well-being depends on a healthy ocean. It always has. It always will. The pressures on the ocean are intense and growing – but we know recovery is possible. Crucially, a healthy ocean holds the solutions to many of the world’s challenges. Putting sustainability […]


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Frequently Asked Questions What is the Blue Tourism Resource Portal? The Blue Tourism Resource Portal is an online interactive library designed to help tourism professionals, like you, make destinations sustainable and resilient. The Portal includes strategic tools and resources to deal with the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and to advance sustainable tourism, especially in […]

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Global Sustainable Tourism Council

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is managing the GSTC Criteria, global standards for sustainable travel and tourism; as well as providing international accreditation for sustainable tourism Certification Bodies.

Adventure Travel and Trade Association: Learn

The Adventure Travel Trade Association provides trainings and resources to help adventure professionals, areas include: business management, climate action, guide training, destination development, safety & risk management, and COVID-19 guidelines.