Building and Operating Biodiversity-Friendly Hotels

This IUCN report highlights the importance of biodiversity in hotels, and provides principles to integrate biodiversity-friendly actions into the design of hotel and resort buildings and in their daily operations.

Green Infrastructure Wizard

This EPA interactive web application connects communities to EPA Green Infrastructure tools & resources and provides access to tools and resources that can support and promote water management and community planning decisions.

MED Sustainable Tourism Community (BleuTourMed)

Created in November 2016 within the framework of the Interreg MED Programme under the name of BleuTourMed, the MED Sustainable Tourism Community has been renewed for a three-year period until June 2022 to make tourism a real driver for inclusive and sustainable growth. Since 2019, five new territorial cooperation projects (LABELSCAPE SuSTowns, WINTER MED, INCIRCLE and […]

Beach uses and users in four beaches of the Ecuadorian coast: the importance of physical and socioeconomic conditions for recreational beach use assessment in Latin American contexts

 The understanding of the different conditions that shape the recreational use of sandy beaches is key for their management. This article explores visitors’ and residents’ recreational use of four sandy beaches in Ecuador in relation to the physical and socioeconomic context in which this use takes place, including beach morphodynamics, level of urban development, as […]

Blue Tourism Resource Portal

About the portal The Blue Tourism Resource Portal is designed to help tourism decision makers, managers, and operators make their destinations sustainable and resilient. The Portal offers hundreds of the most useful resources including guidelines, toolkits, good practices, case studies and blue tourism networks. Finding useful resources Resources are grouped by the five pillars of […]

Blue Economy Data and Tools

This World Bank report outlines the importance of data and tools in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), examines different aspects data and tools, general challenges and identifies how project managers, planners and implementers can support and add value to MSP projects. The report further presents MSP data categories, data gaps, various MSP tools and data services, […]

The State of the Jamaican Climate 2019: Historical and Future Climate Changes for Jamaica

In accordance with Component 3 of the Improving Climate Data and Information Management Project, this report outlines in detail updates to observed variability and future climate scenarios for Jamaica since 2012. This report is a companion to several key reports produced within the last 10 years, including the 2012 State of the Jamaican Climate Report, […]