Building Back Better: Reconstructing Public Sectoral Systems and Policies for Sustainable Tourism
This roundtable presentation enabled experts in sustainable tourism governance to present in detail how tourism can improve its governance, and how tourism can be more responsive to the issues related to both sustainability and the recovery of destinations hit hard by the spread of COVID 19.
COVID-19: Satellite Data Reveal Global Air Pollution Levels Plummeting
The report provides data collection results of global air pollution levels during the COVD-19 pandemic.
Pandemics, Tourism and Global Change: a Rapid Assessment of COVID-19
The paper compares the impacts of COVID-19 to previous epidemic/pandemics and other types of global crises and explores how the pandemic may change society, the economy, and tourism. It discusses why COVID-19 is an analogue to the ongoing climate crisis, and why there is a need to question the volume growth tourism model.
Baguio City Takes Steps to Ease Water Pollution
This CDIA article, focused on Baguio City in the Philippines, highlights improved wastewater management together with flood and drainage initiatives which are derived from a pre-feasibility study in the destinations by CDIA.
Fact Sheet #4: Fresh Water and Tourism
This CREST Fact Sheet considers the intersection of water and tourism to give a brief overview of the current situation, issues, and potential solutions in Grenada and the greater Caribbean.
All You Need to Know About Graywater Discharge From Ships
This Ocean Conservancy article looks into greywater from cruise ships and its implications on the ocean while considering what can be done to help reduce greywater pollution.
Cagayan de Oro City Implements Key Waste Management Investment Plans
This CDIA plan serves as a case study that includes a Project Preparation Study for the closure of dumpsites and the subsequent construction of a new sanitary landfill as well as a solid waste transfer station. This project in Cagayan de Oro City in the Philippines also resulted in the City Local Environmental and Natural […]
Biodiversity: My Hotel in Action – A Guide to Sustainable Use of Biological Resources in the Caribbean
This IUCN guide helps owners and managers of small and large hotels in the Caribbean to conserve nature through day-to-day hotel operations. This guide is meant to complement the many tools that are already available to help reduce environmental impacts in hotels, by using appropriate siting, design and construction practices, and by improving management of […]
Enhancing Sustainable Communities with Green Infrastructure
This EPA report aims to help local governments, water utilities, nonprofit organizations, neighborhood groups, and other stakeholders integrate green infrastructure strategies into plans that can transform their communities, and acts as a guide to develop a plan that can overcome current green infrastructure obstacles for neighborhoods, towns, cities, and regions of all sizes.
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation Criteria in Mexico’s Tourism Sector with Emphasis on Biodiversity-rich Coastal Ecosystems
This GEF report promotes biodiversity conservation with emphasis on biodiversity-rich coastal ecosystems through the design and implementation of innovative policies and models of sustainable tourism in Mexico at the national and the local levels.