Blue Tourism in Islands and Small Tourism-Dependent Coastal States: Tools and Recovery Strategies
Small island developing states and small tourism-dependent coastal states have been the most gravely impacted by global climate and Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic crises and are expected to face even greater economic and social challenges in the years to come. While information and research on sustainable and blue tourism in small island developing states […]
Conflicts and Management Perceptions Between Native and Non-Native Residents of Four Beaches in Ecuador
By conducting an exploratory research, 705 surveys were collected along four sandy beaches in Ecuador: Ayangue, Chipipe, Olon and Puerto Engabao, chosen because of their unequal levels of tourism development. A correlation study takes into account the perception of native and non-native residents and as a result environmental conflicts affected most residents from Ayangue, Olon […]
Tales of Informality: Tourism Development in Four Ecuadorian Beaches
“Informality” as a global economic category and normative standard to measure economic activity is rooted in western cultures, implemented through legal, fiscal frameworks and development doctrines. This work argues that the informal/formal economic binary masks economic diversity in tourism destinations in the Global South. A prism of non-compliance to tourism legislation as a barometer for […]
From the Coast to the Highlands: Tourism as a Field for Neo-extractivism in the Rural Andes
Latin American development politics include manifold interventions in rural areas, among them extractivist industry. Paradoxically, scholars have adopted the term neo-extractivism to criticise left-led governments’ justification of natural resource use to provide welfare to the population. This research embraces neo-extractivism to understand socio-environmental changes introduced through tourism initiatives in Ecuadorian rural landscapes. While the case […]
The Unintended Outcomes of Sustainable Development: Hybridizing Beaches Through Small-Scale Tourism.
Local endogenous developments have sprouted worldwide under the economy-environment reconciliation premise in response to the sustainable development discourse. Debates on how sustainable development protects the environment tend to idealize and romanticize locals’ interaction with nature in rural areas. However, few discussions focus on how the developmental discourse pervades the local imaginary of progress while preferring ecosystems’ […]
Opportunities for Transforming Coastal and Marine Tourism: Towards Sustainability, Regeneration and Resilience
A Special Report which considers the socio-economic argument for shifting to a more sustainable tourism model as part of recovery efforts from the global pandemic. The report provides a holistic assessment of the current state of coastal and marine tourism and draws on 32 case studies and examples from 23 countries to identify a set […]
Economic Contribution for Ocean Recreation in Florida Keys
Understanding the economic value of marine sanctuaries such as the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) is important to justify public and private investments and to provide information to support management activities and understand their role in the nation’s blue economy. Very few studies have employed economic contribution analysis in examining economic value, even though […]
National Marine Sanctuaries Visitor Counting Process
This paper focuses on the development of a systematic data collection effort that allows managers to better understand the visitors to marine resource areas managed by NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS). Through the National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Counting Process (NMS-COUNT), resource managers will gain valid and reliable data and data collection methodologies to […]
Ocean Visitor Monitoring Literature Review
This review presents a summary of existing visitor monitoring methods and relevant studies in land and marine-based areas, with a focus on the application to unique aquatic settings. Various opportunities and challenges exist with respect to the use of each method in different marine settings. These methods differ in terms of the complexity, costs, level […]
PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet
Through the National Marine Sanctuaries Visitor Counting Process (NMS-COUNT), marine protected area (MPA) resource managers gain valid and reliable data and methods to advance predictive capability and understanding of visitors. The NMS-COUNT process is an iterative framework that allows local management and stakeholders to add knowledge of visitor use at an NMS unit through each […]