Green Destinations Standard

This Green Destinations Standard is a set of criteria to measure, monitor and improve sustainable tourism policies and management of destinations and regions.

Ocean Solutions That Benefit People, Nature and the Economy

This High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Report builds on the latest scientific research, analyses and debates from around the world, to showcase a balanced model for ocean management that achieves effective ocean protection, sustainable production and equitable prosperity.

Ecolodges: Exploring Opportunities for Sustainable Business

This IFC report evaluates ecolodges to determine whether the environmental impacts and financial performance are sufficiently positive to justify IFC’s investing in them as part of its sustainable development mission. The report also provides potential ecolodge business models.

Normalização e Certificação de Turismo Sustentável

This guide was created for the standardization and certification of Sustainable Tourism from the UNEP, state Government of Mato Grosso (Brazil), Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises (SEBRAE), and Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)

Private Sector Tourism in Conservation Areas in Africa

This book uses 32 case studies across Africa to present guidelines, good practices and tools for private-sector involvement in the delivery of tourism services in parks and protected areas in Africa. A comprehensive resource for private sector, academic researchers, communities and government stakeholders.

Digital Transformation Initiative Aviation, Travel and Tourism Industry

The Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI) is a project launched by the World Economic Forum in 2015 and is an ongoing initiative that serves as the focal point at the Forum for new opportunities and themes arising from latest developments in the digitalization of business and society. It supports the Forum’s broader activity around the theme […]

Tourism in the Polar Regions: The Sustainability Challenge

This UNEP report evaluates the extent of environmental, economic, and social vulnerabilities to apply appropriate responses in order to prevent negative impacts and conserve the environmental quality and cultural integrity of the Polar Regions. The identification of management techniques exemplified in good practices is necessary to select conservation and sustainable development objectives that will protect […]

Ethical & Responsible Tourism in Gambia

This Gambia Information Site provides a range of information and resources for travel and tourism, flights, attractions and accommodations with a particular focus on eco-friendly accommodations, tour operators, organizations and shopping outlets.

Cruise Ship Tourism

This book provides an overview of the cruise industry covering topics and issues including economics, corporate social responsibility, passenger health and wellbeing, cruise workforce, marketing, the social and natural environment, planning and management, infrastructure, risk management, and the future of the industry.