Biodiversity: My Hotel in Action – A Guide to Sustainable Use of Biological Resources
This IUCN publication is designed to guide the sustainable use of biological resources in the day-to-day operations of hotels and to complement the many tools already available to help reduce environmental impacts in hotel operations.
Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Activities Management
This book provides case studies, good practices and guidance for private sector companies and industry practitioners to understand how to deliver a profitable and sustainable product for adventure tourism companies, with specific insights into technology, corporate social responsibility, climate change, and environmental impacts.
Tourism and Visitor Management in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Sustainability
These IUCN sustainability guidelines provide information on key issues to help managers achieve sustainable tourism in protected areas, particularly in destinations facing large tourism numbers or overtourism.
Program on African Protected Areas & Conservation
This PAPACO course teaches about the sustainable use of natural resources and conservation as it relates to tourism in protected areas in Africa, introducing commonly-used methods to sustainably manage protected areas and their resources by considering the benefits and costs of resource use.
Mediterranean Experience of Ecotourism Manual: A guide to discover the MEET approach
This presentation explains The Mediterranean Experience of Ecotourism (MEET) group that acts as a Destination Management Organization and includes a target-oriented network of people and organizations managing ecotourism products built around the natural and cultural attractions of protected areas and local communities. Featured countries include: Italy, France, Spain, Jordan, Lebanon, ROWA, Malta, Cyprus, Greece and […]
Visitor Use Management Framework VUM – Part 1
This collaborative IUCN, WCPA, TAPAS Group, and Ecotourism Genuino webinar presents a designed process for federal managers to collaboratively develop, implement, and monitor strategies and actions that enable sustainable access to lands and waters which can be incorporated into existing federal agency planning and decision-making processes. (Part 1)
Visitor Use Management Framework VUM – Part 2
This collaborative IUCN, WCPA, TAPAS Group, and Ecotourism Genuino webinar presents a designed process for federal managers to collaboratively develop, implement, and monitor strategies and actions that enable sustainable access to lands and waters which can be incorporated into existing federal agency planning and decision-making processes. (Part 2)
Guidance for Tourism Concessions and Partnership in Protected Areas
This collaborative IUCN, WCPA, TAPAS Group, and GSTC webinar describe the guidelines for tourism concessions and partnerships in protected areas including examples of good practice.
Certification Tools and Standards for Protected Areas Management
This collaborative IUCN, WCPA, TAPAS Group, and GSTC webinar provides an overview of certification tools and standards for managing protected areas.
Mediterranean Experience of Ecotourism Manual: A guide to discover the MEET approach
This DestiMed and IUCN report provides a global review of current and past tourism monitoring and certification programs for tourism in protected areas and outlines the structure of a new monitoring tool to meet the needs of managers of protected areas in the Mediterranean.