Commercial Services Guide: National Parks Service Commercial Services Program
This National Parks Service guide provides detailed procedures to implement current laws, regulations, Executive Orders, Department of the Interior policies and guidance, NPS Management Policies 2006, and other NPS policy and guidance related to commercial services.
Blue Opportunities: The Norwegian Government’s Updated Ocean Strategy
This Norwegian Government plan presents an updated strategy for blue opportunities to build upon the government’s ocean strategy while engaging the private sector for a sustainable ocean economy.
Coastal Development: Resilience, Restoration and Infrastructure Requirements
This USAID and OAS training resource for public and private sector planners, aims to reduce the long-term vulnerability of coastal infrastructure in the Caribbean region by expanding the capacity for appropriate design, construction and maintenance of coastal infrastructure works, through series of training courses.
Ecotourism in the Less Developed World
This book, designed for lecturers, students and researchers in tourism and ecotourism practitioners, defines, describes and analyzes ecotourism in the less developed countries and its environmental and social impacts. Includes case studies in Costa Rica, Kenya, Nepal, Thailand, the Caribbean and the South Pacific.
Transforming Tourism through Sustainable Procurement
This One Planet report offers case studies and information on transforming tourism value chains to low-carbon and resource-efficient operations through sustainable procurement practices in the private sector with aid from policy makers. Case studies feature France, Saint Lucia, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Senegal, Morocco, Brazil, Indonesia, Maldives, Mauritius, Cyprus, Sri Lanka and El Salvador.
What is overtourism in protected areas and what can we do about it?
This collaborative One Planet, IUCN WCPA TAPAS Group, and PUP Global Heritage Consortium webinar brings awareness to the challenges of high levels of visitors in protected areas, reviews what has lead to this challenge and provides forward looking solutions to over tourism in protected areas.
Green your Business: Toolkit for Tourism Operators
This Parks Canada toolkit for tour operators provides practical sustainability tips and guidance to tour operators and related tourism business owners and managers with a special focus on small- and medium-size enterprises.
Best Practice Ecotourism Development Guidelines
These Queensland Government guidelines provide background information and tools and key considerations that must be addressed as a first step in achieving best practice for ecotourism in Queensland’s national parks. Featuring case studies from Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia, Victoria, Costa Rica, and Namibia.
Queensland Ecotourism Development Toolkit
This Ecotourism Development Toolkit, developed by the Queensland Government, provides developers and investors with the knowledge and guidelines to help make informed decisions regarding the development of ecotourism products on different land tenures.
Sustainable Tourism on a Finite Planet: Environmental, Business and Policy Solutions
This Routledge book provides an analysis of travel and tourism supply chains and business models for hotels, tour operators, cruise lines, airlines and airports and proposes environmental management techniques. A pragmatic set of solutions are offered to support the transition to lower impact tourism development worldwide.