Projeto Turismo Sustentável – Webinar “Economia circular no alojamento turístico
O Webinar Economia circular no alojamento turístico, o qual abordará o tema da economia circular no alojamento turístico e a importância da sua adaptação a modelos de negócio mais alinhados com os princípios da redução, reutilização, recuperação e reciclagem de materiais e energia.
Tourism Taxes by Design White Paper: Destination funding and the impact of tourism taxes on European cities and urban communities
The white paper offers a synopsis of the current landscape of tourism taxation and insight into the regulatory and regenerative motivations behind the design and governance of taxes. The paper also elaborates what role taxes might play in shaping a future of more sustainable tourism and more resilient destinations able to withstand future shocks.
Linking Tourism to Watersheds and People: A Preliminary Analysis of the Potential of the Tourism Sector to Contribute to Payments for Watershed Services
This study examines the potential and mechanisms for the tourism sector – as a downstream beneficiary of watershed services – to provide support to the upstream watershed management practices that maintain these services.
Para além da filantropia: contributos do Turismo Solidário para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário Uma análise comparada Cabo Verde – São Tomé e Príncipe
Um estudo comparativo com os objetivos de analisar a viabilidade de um turismo ancorado nos princípios da Economia Solidária e avaliar as potencialidades e constrangimentos dessas modalidades de turismo no desenvolvimento das comunidades locais. A análise tem por base dois Pequenos Estados Insulares em Desenvolvimento (PEID) entre os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa: Cabo […]
IDB Sustainability Scorecard for Private Sector Tourism Projects
This self-evaluation “Scorecard” is intended to guide a proposed tourism project representative to understand the foundational funding needs of their project from design, construction, and operation of the tourism project. This can be a useful tool for project managers to understand their project’s funding needs and opportunities for improvement.
ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up
The purpose of the Global Report is to provide a dynamic global picture relating to the four ILO categories of fundamental principles and rights at work.
Sustainable Coastal Tourism: Problems and Management Options
This research paper, useful for tourism decision-makers in SIDS and coastal destinations, evaluates current issues in sustainable coastal tourism and offers potential management options.
Achieving Blue Economy Goals: The Need for Improved Legal Frameworks Across the Indian Ocean
This Seychelles Research Journal article explores the focus on Blue Economy goals in the Indian Ocean, examines the role that law can play in supporting them, and highlights key areas for future research.
A Toolkit for Monitoring and Managing Community-Based Tourism
This SNV and University of Hawaii toolkit, recommended for anyone involved in the funding, planning or managing of a community-based tourism project, is designed to provide readers with the know-how to set up and run a monitoring programme for a community-based tourism project via step-by-step guidelines, supported by a wide range of case studies, in […]
Guidelines for Paddling Trail Development
This Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals set of guidelines outlines how to effectively establish a paddling trail from the planning phase to implementation.