Ocean Eye
What is the OCEAN EYE? Ocean Eye 4K is the world’s first “deluxe lite” industrial-level 3D underwater drone, it is also a 2023 Reddot Award winner and a new addition to the family of YoucanRobot drones, which include BW Space Pro Max, BW Space Pro, BW Space Pro Zoom and Dive Master. Just like flying drones, this underwater drone performs a similar function […]
The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change: Updated Opportunities for Action
Analysis finds that full implementation of ocean-based climate solutions that are ready for action now could reduce the “emissions gap” by up to 35 percent on a 1.5°C pathway in 2050. This report demonstrates that the ocean can provide solutions that are viable and ready-to-implement to help ‘correct the course’ on climate change. What’s needed now […]
The Future of Sustainable Air Travel
If you’ve flown on American Airlines recently, there’s a chance your plane was fueled by a small amount of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Jill Blickstein, Vice President of Sustainability at American Airlines, joins the show to talk about the latest advancements in SAF, how the carrier leverages renewables to power its operations and fleet upgrades the airline has […]
Opportunities for Transforming Coastal and Marine Tourism
According to new research from the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel), coastal and marine tourism represents at least 50% of all global tourism and supports millions of jobs and livelihoods worldwide. The global pandemic revealed the fragility of the current model of global tourism. As the world begins to recover […]
Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability: Co-Designing Global Action on Local Scales
The global threat that ocean acidification poses to marine ecosystems has been recognized by the UN 2030 Agenda under Sustainable Development Goal, Target 14.3: to reduce ocean acidification. The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) is a collaborative international network to detect and understand the drivers of ocean acidification in estuarine-coastal-open ocean environments, the resulting […]
Generating Finance for Blue Economy Transition
The combined coastline of G20 territories is 45 percent of the world’s harnessing the power of the Blue Economy, therefore, is vital given oceans’ crucial role in sustainable development goals. However, there are various challenges, such as a large financing gaps and lack of global standards and consensus on what constitutes ‘blue financing’. As investments […]
Youth Ocean Action Toolkit
The Ocean Foundation, with support from National Geographic, collaborated with a group of eight young professionals (ages 18 to 26) from seven different countries to develop a Youth Ocean Action Toolkit — in both English and Spanish! Created by youth and for youth, the toolkit contains a collection of stories and case studies of Marine Protected Areas around the […]
A decade of ‘blue tourism’ sustainability research: Exploring the impact of cruise tourism on coastal areas
Cruise tourism research has developed exponentially during the past decades. Global tourism activity in general and cruises in particular are concentrated in coastal areas and represent a dominant part of the so-called ‘blue economy’. Within this context, the public debate surrounding the impact of cruise tourism on port communities reflects a narrative of unsustainable growth, […]
GSTC Global Destination Sustainability Report
The GSTC Global Destination Sustainability Report is a companion report to the 2020 Adventure Tourism Development Index (ATDI), a product of a partnership with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and designed to more deeply explore the sustainability dimension of adventure tourism competitiveness worldwide. The companion report analyzes 24 destinations that have applied the GSTC Destination Criteria […]
Beyond Sustainability: Leading an Authentic Shift to a Regenerative Future
How can businesses drive the shift to a regenerative future? Alibaba Group’s study shows that 73% of global consumers are keen to adopt a sustainable lifestyle, but 38% doubt the credibility of brands’ sustainability claims. Join us in this webinar to find out how organizations can become catalysts for change that prioritize the needs of […]