Life Cycle Assessment from Food to Food: A Case Study of Circular Economy from Cruise Ships to Aquaculture

Industrial symbiosis principles, reprised in industrial ecology definition, are recently embraced by circular economy concept as the basis for characterization of cradle-to-cradle approach, with particular interest on global markets with growing environmental issues such as food sector. This paper investigates a potential innovative pattern of recycling food waste from cruise ships for use as feed in aquaculture, in terms […]

Youth Ocean Action Toolkit

The Ocean Foundation, with support from National Geographic, collaborated with a group of eight young professionals (ages 18 to 26) from seven different countries to develop a Youth Ocean Action Toolkit — in both English and Spanish! Created by youth and for youth, the toolkit contains a collection of stories and case studies of Marine Protected Areas around the […]

PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet

Through the National Marine Sanctuaries Visitor Counting Process (NMS-COUNT), marine protected area (MPA) resource managers gain valid and reliable data and methods to advance predictive capability and understanding of visitors. The NMS-COUNT process is an iterative framework that allows local management and stakeholders to add knowledge of visitor use at an NMS unit through each […]

National Marine Sanctuaries Visitor Counting Process

This paper focuses on the development of a systematic data collection effort that allows managers to better understand the visitors to marine resource areas managed by NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS). Through the National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Counting Process (NMS-COUNT), resource managers will gain valid and reliable data and data collection methodologies to […]

Cruise Ship Travel and the Spread of COVID-19 – Australia as a Case Study

Introduction: Cruise ship linked COVID-19 outbreaks have been identified as a potential source of community transmission of COVID-19 in Australia and worldwide. The risk factors and potential mitigation around COVID-19 infections on cruise ships and communities is a research gap. Methods: A correlation and regression analyses for risk factors for COVID-19 attack rates oncruise ships worldwide with […]


HERIT-DATA promotes the use of smart and open data to better manage tourism flows in natural and cultural heritage sites. The project aims to identify innovative solutions, with the support of new technologies and big data, to reduce the negative impacts of tourism on cultural and natural heritage sites. HERIT-DATA has defined a set of indicators […]


Imprint The Ocean Foundation 1320 19th St, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 887-8996 President: Mark J. Spalding Conception, design and technical realization travel bridge GmbHAm Bueschelchen 1234596 Bad Zwesten Person responsible for the content of this website: Mark J. Spalding (President The Ocean Foundation) 1320 19th St, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC […]

Global Change Explorer

EPA’s Global Change Explorer (GCX) is a collection of web tools that visualize, compare, and provide access to spatial data that describe potential future environmental change. These data can serve as a starting point when assessing the vulnerability of air, water, ecosystems, and human health to climate change, land use change, and other large-scale environmental […]

Green Fins Initiative Resources

The Reef-World Foundation – the international coordinator of the UN Environment Programme’s Green Fins initiative – has launched new resources to help dive and snorkel operators who are continuing to keep an environmental strategy high on their agenda despite the many changes taking place for travel businesses as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. The […]