Ocean Solutions That Benefit People, Nature and the Economy

This High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Report builds on the latest scientific research, analyses and debates from around the world, to showcase a balanced model for ocean management that achieves effective ocean protection, sustainable production and equitable prosperity.

Tourism, Health, Wellbeing and Protected Areas

This book features contributions from tourism and recreation researchers and practitioners exploring the relationship between tourism, hospitality, protected areas, livelihoods and both physical and emotional human wellbeing.

Overtourism: Lessons for a Better Future

This book examines the causes and effects of over tourism and provides insight on visitor education, traffic planning, and redirection to lesser-known sites for a variety of destination economies.

Case Studies in Ecotourism

This book analyzes over 170 global case studies and shows what ecotourism can achieve and what constraints it faces, and provides a convenient and comprehensive reference for ecotourism enterprises, development agencies and university teaching.

Ecotourism Programme Planning

This book introduces the concept of recreation programming with an in depth look at the relationship between tour operators and tourists and provides a practical basis for integrated ecotourism programme planning including design, implementation and evaluation.

Adventure Tourism: The New Frontier

This Routledge book, created for tourism academics and for professionals involved in managing adventure tourism enterprises, examines the adventure tourism product, the adventure tourist profile, and provides a deeper analysis of issues including supply, geography and sustainability through a variety of case studies.

Ecotourism: Transitioning to the 22nd Century

This Routledge book, designed for educators, researchers and students of tourism, sociology and geography, presents a synthesis of the changes in thought leadership and societal shifts in ecotourism in the 21st century. This also provides new and international case studies from emerging markets in China and Brazil.