Maritime Culture Empowerment under Indonesian Ocean Policy

This paper presents information on the Indonesian Ocean Policy and the development of maritime culture empowerment as the policy’s action plan, particularly for the 2020-2024 action plan. Maritime culture empowerment is carried out through 3 cultural development programs, namely Ocean and Culture Literacy, Culture Action or Activation, and Culture-based Innovation.

Cruise Tourism in Belize: Perceptions of Economic, Social & Environmental Impact

This study examines the terrestrial impacts – economic, social and environmental – of cruise tourism as they are viewed in Belize. It is based on field research, carried out in 2005 using academic protocols, involving over 600 surveys with cruise passengers and over 100 interviews with a range of stakeholders in Belize.

Climate Action Corps 2021 Progress

The Outdoor Industry Association founded the Climate Action Corps in 2020 to harness the power of collaboration to address the threat of climate change to the outdoor industry. Understanding that employees, shareholders, customers, and – most importantly – the next generations are expecting businesses to be the change. To date, 100 and growing Climate Action Corps […]

Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: Principles of Sustainable Operations

This foundational textbook investigates the economic, environmental and social sustainability issues facing the hospitality industry today, and explores ideas, solutions and strategies of how to manage operations in a sustainable way. This updated fourth edition features: nature-based solutions and zero-carbon approaches, DEI and employee wellbeing, over 100 case studies, practical exercises, discussions questions and research project […]

Teacher’s Guide for Caribbean ‘Green’ Travel: Your Choices Make a Difference

This CREST study guide is designed to help teachers at any level who wish to use the CREST “Caribbean Green Travel” film in their classes and introduce key concepts about sustainable tourism and community development. voluntourism, certification, and so on. This guide includes discussion questions, ideas for in-class or take-home activities, and used for exam […]


INHERIT is a 4 year project that aims to conserve and valorise natural heritage in MED coastal and maritime tourist destinations, alleviating the adverse effects of overcapacity tourism in these areas through the promotion of sustainable tourism. The project will test and deploy a new approach in promoting  sustainable tourism that includes measures to protect its […]

Handbook on Covid-19 Recovery Strategies for National Tourism Organizations

With the aim of supporting destinations to rebuild the European tourism sector, the European Travel Commission (ETC) commissioned a Handbook that explores mitigation and recovery strategies deployed by NTOs across Europe during the pandemic, with a focus on sustainable tourism practices. The aim of the Handbook is to provide NTOs with strategic recommendations to follow […]

Generating Finance for Blue Economy Transition

The combined coastline of G20 territories is 45 percent of the world’s harnessing the power of the Blue Economy, therefore, is vital given oceans’ crucial role in sustainable development goals. However, there are various challenges, such as a large financing gaps and lack of global standards and consensus on what constitutes ‘blue financing’. As investments […]

Ocean Panel

The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy recognizes our collective well-being depends on a healthy ocean. It always has. It always will. The pressures on the ocean are intense and growing – but we know recovery is possible. Crucially, a healthy ocean holds the solutions to many of the world’s challenges. Putting sustainability […]